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Here at Kids Parties Spain we live and breathe kids parties.. Each party is unique, but there are some things that always work well and other things that always cause trouble! So to help your next party go without a hitch, follow these simple tips.

1. TIMING! - Do not assume guests will be punctual, it's best to plan for people to be late – Here in Spain arrival times are pretty loose and it’s not unusual for people to arrive up to an hour after the start time, so factor this in to your planning. Let the first hour of the party be fun and relaxed, without too many key activities, a bouncy castle, face painting and balloon modelling work well for greeting the little ones on arrival. If you are going to have a magic show or special performance, plan that for at least an hour after the official start time, normally best after the food so none of your guests miss out.

2. PLAN AHEAD – Everything is easier with time in hand! Make sure you choose your theme with plenty of time to source things locally, or order online and have things delivered. There are some awesome things out there, but not always on our doorstep, so it’s great to have time to get everything here in plenty of time. It’s also lovely to involve the kids in preparing home made things for their own parties, but the DIY approach needs to be fun and so you don’t want the clock to be ticking!

3. COLLECT RSVP's – This may seem obvious, but getting confirmations can be tricky and parents won’t always say if they are bringing siblings with them or not. If you have limited space, or want to limit numbers, be very clear on the invitations whether siblings are invited and let people know that you need confirmations by a certain date. Then be prepared for one or two more or one or two less at your party!

4. THINK ABOUT THE DIFFERENT AGES – If you are having siblings, or you have a big spread of ages present, think how your theme, entertainment or activities will work for the younger or older ones. Also, consider if you want childcare for the younger ones, so their parents can relax. Older kids can be great childminders too, so see if you can involve them, they will like the responsibility and will get stuck in with the fun if they are there with the younger ones.

5. INFORM PARENTS WHAT THEY NEED TO BRING – If it’s a pool party, then make it very clear that people will need to bring swimwear, sun cream and towels, or if the party has a theme, let people know if they should dress up! However, think ahead that some parents may forget, so put some spare swimmers or a few masks or themed items on the side to cover up any mistakes and make all kids feel welcome.

6. THINK ABOUT THE WEATHER – We are very lucky to have sunny weather most of the year on the Costa del Sol, but you should plan for all eventualities as well. If it’s a summer party remember sun cream, shaded areas and lots of water. If it’s in the spring or autumn, think about how you’d handle a colder day, wind, or even rain – it’s always good to have a plan B in place!

7. DON'T BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP – Organising and setting up for a party is a lot of work, so don’t be afraid to spread the load. Ask family, friends and the kids to give you a hand for the set up, so you’re not exhausted by the time it begins. Or, talk to professional party planners like us and let us take away the strain from you and leave you free to just enjoy!

8. THINK ABOUT HOW YOU HANDLE PRESENTS – Will you put the presents to one side and let your child open them at home, or do you want to let them open them there and then? If they are opening them at the party, make sure that there is a place to keep the presents safe and a big bin liner for the wrapping paper and try to get your child to say thank you to each child and parent as they open them. If you want to do thank you notes, you need to make sure you know who gave what, which is not always easy. A picture of the child with the present and who gave it to them can be invaluable and a nice momento of the day. We always recommend to open presents at home so items don't go missing and to not distract the children from the entertainers.

9. DON'T FORGET THE ESSENTIALS – Every party needs plenty of water, juice and soft drinks, some treats for the kids, a cake, candles, knife and a lighter to light the candles. Plastic or paper cups and plates, napkins and bin bags are essential too. If you’re providing drinks for the adults, don’t forget the bottle opener and to have chilled the wine and beer ahead of time.

10. REMEMBER THE PARTY BAGS – Don't forget to pass out your party bags as the party is winding down. Get your child involved, they will like the job of making sure everyone has a party bag as they say goodbye.

11. SEND THE LOCATION - Try give parents as much information as possible so they can find you hassel free and put out party balloons at the entrance to be spotted easily.

If this all sounds a bit much to think about, bring in the professionals and we can help you with everything! Kids Parties Spain supply everything your child needs for the best birthday ever!

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